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General business

Issues to consider when running your own business. Click on the links below to access the relevant information.

Accounting records
What records should you keep – and for how long?
Bribery Act 2010
This factsheet gives an overview of the procedures you must put in place in relation to the Bribery Act 2010.
Company secretarial duties
This factsheet considers what company information has to be made available and looks at whether a company secretary needs to be appointed.
Criminal Finances Act 2017
The Criminal Finances Act makes companies and partnerships criminally liable for failing to prevent tax evasion. This factsheet considers the key aspects of the Act and the implications for your business.
Directors’ responsibilities
Becoming a director carries with it potentially onerous duties. Make sure you know what those duties are. This factsheet gives guidance on directors’ responsibilities.
Franchising is becoming increasingly popular. This factsheet considers the advantages and disadvantages of franchising and points to consider when considering operating as a franchise.
Fraud and how to spot it - ten step guide
This factsheet considers how you can increase your awareness of the factors that indicate fraud. It also sets out the defences that you can implement to minimise the risk within your business.
We consider if your business is eligible for a grant.
Micro Entity Accounting
This factsheet considers the options available to micro entities when preparing their accounts. This factsheet considers the options available.
Narrative reporting
An explanation of the directors' report requirements faced by private companies.
Preparing for your accountant
Whether we are producing your accounts or carrying out tax compliance work, being prepared for us will ensure our work is carried out smoothly and efficiently and with the minimum disruption to yourselves. This factsheet highlights many of the ways in which you can help.
Register of people with significant control
This factsheet summarises the requirements which place additional obligations on companies, their officers and the people with significant control over them.
Securing business success
As many as half of all businesses fail in their first three years of trading, this factsheet summarises the specific reasons for business failure and how to avoid them.
Small Company Accounting
We consider the required format of statutory accounts for small companies. This factsheet considers the reporting requirements and their impact.
Running a limited company
Running a limited company presents a range of unique challenges and responsibilities. Limited companies are subject to tight reporting and financial responsibilities and the directors of the limited company have their own duties and responsibilities.
Valuing your business
There are many reasons why you may need to calculate the value of your business. This factsheet consider the range of methods available as well as some of the factors to consider during the process.

